Friday, February 23, 2007

HL7 Acknowledgement codes

A question about the acknowledgement codes in the transport wrapper came up. Ack code deals with transmission-level errors and not message processing errors.

So if we are able to parse and process the message, the acknowledgement code is always 'AA' even if the interaction sent back a refusal, i.e. there were issues. AE/AR would only be returned if there were errors being returned in the transport wrapper.

Given that interpretation, the question arose on when an AR would ever be returned. I couldn't think of a scenario where I'd be able to return this code. When would I ever not being to process a message because of content or format? That's what the description for AR says.

>>You are correct in your understanding of the use of ‘AA’. With respect to the use of ‘AE’ and ‘AR’, ‘AE’ is used when there's a problem with the message (e.g. bad XML); ‘AR’ is used when there's a problem with the receiving system (e.g. database down).

From the CeRx forum.

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